Welcome to The SparkCom Community

For leaders and entrepreneurs ready to think like an innovator and drive continuous business growth

What is Innovation?

Spark Partners created a Masterclass called THINK Innovation Course that helps business leaders take their business to the next level. Our courses, discussion, and  communication awaits inside.

Think Innovation Course

Learn to THINK LIKE AN INNOVATOR and GROW your business into the future!

Think Innovation is Spark Partners’ premiere course offering breakthrough insight to disrupt conventional business tactics and foster an effective growth-driven mindset, giving you the tools to THINK LIKE AN INNOVATOR and create continuous growth in your business. Whether you’re new to business or the leader of a Fortune 500 company, this course is designed for everyone aiming to grow to the next level.‍
The course offers side-by-side discussion between innovation and business experts Adam Hartung and Manny Teran on the meaning of innovation in the age of information, what it takes to create it, and effective strategies for rethinking what more your business can offer. Adam offers knowledge and exercises from years of research and experience leading organizations towards strategic growth, while Manny breaks the philosophy down into workable concepts to get entrepreneurs disrupting their marketplace.